why business loan is important: What you must know

 a business loan is important because it provides you with cash that you can use to fund business growth.

In this article, we have discussed all the things which should not miss. if you want to improve your business's financial health.

What is a business loan 

A loan that provides funds for business operations or growth is known as a business loan. The business loan is used for several purposes such as: hiring employees, expanding operations, purchasing equipment, managing cash flow, etc.

Usually, business loans are provided by credit unions, banks, or other financial institutions, and can be unsecured or secured. In a secured loan, the lender requires collateral such as real estate or equipment for loan compensation. In an unsecured loan, the lender does not require collateral but charges high-interest rates.  

In business loan repayment, borrowers have to make monthly payments with interest rates until the loan is fully paid.

why business loan is important

There are several reasons why a Business loan is important. Some of them are: 

1. Access to Fund

A business loan provides you with a fund that helps you to take benefit of multiple opportunities which is not possible from existing capital in the business. 

2. Cash flow management

A business loan provides you access to the funds which you can use to manage cash flow. This is especially important for businesses that need to deal with unexpected expenses or seasonal fluctuations.

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3. Flexibility 

The business loan consists of flexibility which enables you to choose a type of loan that fits your business needs. Such as term loans, lines of credit, SBA loans, etc.

4. Building credit

Taking a loan and making timely payments on it helps a business to build its creditworthiness. Which makes it easier to get business loans in the future.

5. Interest rate

The business loan consists of lower interest rates as compared to other financing options such as merchant cash advances or credit cards. So, a business loan saves you money on interest rates.

6. Ownership control

In the case of other financing options such as equity financing, businesses sell their portion to investors to get cash. But in the business loan, you do not have to sell your business portion.

What are the disadvantages of business loans

The business loan comes with multiple advantages but it also consists of some disadvantages. Some of them are:

1. Interest rates

Usually, Business loans come up with an interest rate that increases the overall cost of borrowing the loan.

2. Fee

 There are additional fees associated with some business loans. Such as origination fees, application fees, prepayment penalties, etc.

3. Collateral 

Some loans such as secured loans require collateral and if businesses are unable to pay the total loan amount then the lender can seize the collateral.

4. Creditworthiness

Some business loan requires a level of Creditworthiness. Which makes it difficult for some companies to take secure financing.

Types of business loans

There are several business loans available for some businesses. Some of them are:

1. Term loan 

The loan which you repay over a fixed term is known as a term loan. Its repayment is usually 1 to 5 years. This loan is often used to finance specific purposes such as the purchase of new equipment, expanding in new locations, etc.

2. Line of credit

This type of loan provides funds to businesses according to their needs, but up to a specific credit limit. These loans are typically, used to cover unexpected expenses or to manage cash flow.

3. SBA loan

The loan which is provided to small businesses is known as Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. These loans are used to help small businesses which are not getting loans from other lending channels.

4. Equipment loan

The loan which is specially used to purchase equipment for business needs is known as an equipment loan. In this loan, equipment is taken by the lender in the form of collateral.

5. Merchants' cash advance loan

The loan which is repaid by a portion of the company's daily credit card sales is known as a merchant cash advance loan. This loan is usually used by a business that is not getting a traditional loan but has a have a high volume of credit card sales.

6. Invoice financing 

In this, the lender provides advance cash to the business and when the invoices are paid, the business repays the loan to the lender.

7. Commercial real estate loans 

The loan which is used to refinance or purchase commercial property Such as retail spaces, office buildings, etc is known as a Commercial real estate loan.

8. Startup loan

The loan which is designed to help new business owners who do not have a record of credit history or revenue is known as a Startup loan. 

When should a business owner apply for a business loan?

When should a business owner apply for a business loan depends upon multiple factors such as:

business financial health

if you are facing a cash flow issue and do not have enough funds to cover your day-to-day expenses then you can go for a business loan.

Business opportunity

when you see a business opportunity but do not have enough funds to invest in it. Then, you can apply for a business loan.

What is the eligibility to get a business loan?

The eligibility to get a business loan depends upon several factors such as the lender requirements, the loan amount, the company's financial health, etc. But, some common requirements consist:

1. Creditworthiness

Before giving you a loan, the lender usually checks your personal and business credit score to determine if you are able you repay the loan or not. 

2. Time in business 

Before providing a loan, Lenders often see the time you are operating a business. The time range depends upon the type of loan and the lender. But Typically, it can from six months to two years.

3. Business plan 

The lender will see the plan on how are you going to use the funds to grow your business plus how are you going to repay the loan. If your plan satisfies the lender then he will lend you money.

4. Balance sheet

The lender will see the company balance sheet to determine the financial health of the company. 

[ Note: Different lenders have different requirements. So it is important to shop around and choose the loan which fits your business. ]

Business loan vs personal loan

Related searches:

1. how to improve credit score to qualify for a business loan

To improve credit score to qualify for a business loan. You can focus on things such as: paying bills on time, minimizing new credit applications, lengthening your credit history by keeping older accounts active, without excessive debt using credit responsibly, monitoring credit regularly, etc. Through, these things you can easily improve your credit score to qualify for a business loan.

Is it good to take a loan to grow a business?

If you have enough funds to cover business day-to-day operations and to invest in business future growth then you should not take a loan. if you are facing cash flow challenges or require the fund to invest in the business's future then it is good to take a loan to grow the business. But, you should have a plan on how you are going to repay the loan. Otherwise, you may be in financial trouble in the future.

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[ Note: Before taking any loan, you should have to consult with a professional or financial advisor. So, you get the maximum benefit of a loan ]

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